Wed 05.06.2024
20h00 La Seine Musicale
— Auditorium Patrick Devedjian
de 10 à 35 €
Frédéric Chopin
Préludes opus 28, extraits
Prélude opus 45
Federico Mompou
Préludes, extraits
El Pont
Variations sur un thème de Chopin
Musica Callada, extraits
Claude Debussy
Préludes livre II, extraits
Alexandre Scriabine
Prélude opus 9
Poème “Vers la flamme”, opus 72
Célimène Daudet
À propos
Renowned for her interpretations of Bach as well as her exploration of Haitian musicians, dear to her heritage, the pianist Célimène Daudet defends in this program the work of Federico Mompou (1893-1987). Too little known, the Spanish composer’s music deploys superb instrumental colours that resonate with the piano works of Chopin, Scriabin and Debussy.
Photo © Eric Dessons
Ce concert est produit par le Département des Hauts-de-Seine et Insula orchestra.