Mon 06.05.2024
20h00 La Seine Musicale
— Auditorium Patrick Devedjian
de 10 à 45 €
Georg Friedrich Haendel
Dixit Dominus
Johann Sebastian Bach
Messe en sol mineur
Choir and soloist Balthasar Neumann
Orchestra Balthasar Neumann
Thomas Hengelbrock
À propos
Composed in his youth by Handel and premiered in Rome in 1707, the Dixit Dominus is a masterpiece of sacred music. A remarkable synthesis of German counterpoint and Italian expressivity, this jubilant and flamboyant score will be performed alongside J. S. Bach’s Mass in G minor by the Balthasar Neumann Ensembles conducted by Thomas Hengelbrock, both renowned for their interpretations of the Baroque repertoire on period instruments.
Photo © Florence Grandidier
Ce concert est produit par le Département des Hauts-de-Seine et Insula orchestra.